
Wisedocs for Insurance Firms assessing medical claims

Wisedocs works with insurance firms to allow for the fast sorting, review, and summary of medical records in claims cases.

Automating claims for the insurance industry

Insurance firms process thousands of medical documents as it pertains to claims. Insurance claimants rely on a fast review of their case and firms want accuracy and efficiency to allow for processing more cases.

Automation helps make document processing and processing feasible at scale. Save hours of time sorting and processing medical records plus organize, understand, and get insights on claims cases.

product Features

Wisedocs has features you need to scale

Wisedocs has the features you need to scale your business without negatively impacting headcount, bottom-line growth, or time-to-fulfillment.

Wisedocs enables an automated medical record workflow.
Automatic page deduplication saving up to 30% of your time and money processing extra pages.
Intelligent OCR
Fully searchable medical record, using our proprietary intelligent OCR.
Medical Insights
Extract key clinical information in real-time through the Wisedocs platform.
Medical Chronologies
Automatic organized medical records by date, service provider, title, and category.
Dedicated Support
Creating seamless onboarding to get you up and running in a matter of days

Join our partner program

Want to offer automated document processing as part of your suite of products and expertise to your business clients? Talk to our team about the Wisedocs Partner Program!

Partner program

Process medical records in hours

Processing case files and raw medical records can be a painful, time-consuming process. Don’t let it slow down your business.
Hundreds of
pages an hour
With Wisedocs you can reduce the time it takes to process case files by over 80%. AI can process over 750 pages of medical records and other documents an hour.
Low-value versus high-value billable activity - spend more time on analysis and critique than you do on processing and documentation
the DocList
Wisedocs creates an automated, trustworthy DocList for every case you upload, in minutes .
Duplicate documents
As much as 30% of every case can be duplicated documents, a huge waste of processor time and a non-billable admistrative practice.
Automated de-duplication
Wisedocs can identify duplicated case file information in any uploaded file. Spot and process extraneous information and ignore or process them - your choice!
case studies

How our customers use Wisedocs

See how Wisedocs has made IME companies more efficient and scalable with intelligent document processing automation

When the pandemic struck, AGS Rehab Solutions found they needed to find some efficiencies as they went paperless and remote - like so many leading organizations did.

AGS leverages Wisedocs for their medical record review processing to automate 90% of repetitive work, process claims documents 83% faster, and support a 100% remote workforce.
"By making Wisedocs a standard part of our workflow, our team provides more value-added services to our customers"
Gina Greco
AGS Rehab Solutions Inc., Senior VP & Managing Director, Assessment Division
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Ready to transform your document processing?